Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Nursery

Yes, it's true we are a little preoccupied with baby business of late. I promise, we will return to our normal selves (as much as is possible!!) once we have adjusted to the newness of starting a family. In the meantime, bear with us! We are both downright giddy with excitement...Here is the progress we've made on Baby's room thus far.

The crib. (Thank you Nana Cathy and Grandpa Kenny! We love you!)

A little homespun decor...a creative effort between Jason and myself, with a grateful nod to the Goddess of Homemaking, Ms. Martha, of course, for the toadstool idea.

A Jason original...ditto for the kindly serpent above.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Latest Ultrasound

I'm a little behind here on the blog...I will post some new pictures this coming weekend, but for now, I just have a few quick updates...

Baby's arrival is fast approaching! Feeling excited and a little overwhelmed, to be honest! We are now at 29 and a half weeks. That means in roughly 11 weeks, life in the Hart household will be dramatically different! We just had an ultrasound on Friday, the first since week 12, and according to our OB, everything looks quite normal. The baby is in the breech position with his/her legs in a jack-knifed situation, but the doctor says this is not atypical, and there is plenty of time for the baby to move into the correct position. (jack-knifed meaning the legs are folded against the body such that the feet are in front of the face) Obviously, we'll be monitoring this situation as we get closer to birth time, and I have started concentrating on some specific yoga exercises that help "turn" the baby. By the way, this kind of explains the appearance of my belly...instead of a big round basketball, I seem to be carrying "low" because the bulk of the baby's body is at or below my bellybutton...

Jason and I couldn't help but notice how prominent is our baby's nose! The OB explained that the ultrasound picks up cartilage more clearly than fat and skin, and the face will fill out quite a bit more before birth, but WOW! That was the most distinct feature we could see other than the heartbeat, which was equally strong and clear! The doctor suggested she has a pretty good idea of the baby's gender, but we declined learning that information! All bets are still on, folks!

The huge trail construction project that Jason has been concentrating on all summer is finally complete! It was down to the wire to beat the snow, so he was working some very long hours through the weekends and furlough days for a few weeks, but life can now settle back into a normal routine. He deserves some much needed rest, and I think the plan is to enjoy some time off through the holidays. Yay!

Due to circumstances beyond my control, my last day of work is December 16th, a bit earlier than I had planned, but so it goes in a tough economy....Jason and I will enjoy the time alone together and of course, continue preparing for the arrival of the baby.

As is tradition, we will be heading to Grandma Helen's house in Sacramento for Thanksgiving dinner...

Cheers to a great holiday everyone!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween at Driftwood Farm

We just returned from a whirlwind visit to the coast. We didn't have enough time to visit everyone and all of the places we would have liked, but we did have a great time celebrating Halloween at Driftwood Farm, Angela and Matt's cozy abode! This was the first ever Halloween Party at Driftwood Farm, and I have to say, I think it should be an annual event! (wink-wink, nod-nod) I'm not sure which was more fun, setting up or the party itself! Thanks again, Mateo and Angela!

Laura and Andrew at the carving station. This was the first jack-o-lantern Andrew had ever carved! Good thing we were able to repair that tragedy before he moves back to Australia!

Pumpkins courtesy of Driftwood Farm!

Jason helping create a spooky ambiance...

Last minute interpretation of Mother Earth

Mullet Man-The Nascar Fan
and The Man Who Doesn't Know What He Did Last Summer

Tina and Angela...ladies of the Wild West

Laura and Peter singing into the wee hours of the night

Foliage and Fences

The fall color is at the peak of its glory in the Sierra right now! We haven't had time to view the aspens in the high country, but everyone says the color is spectacular this year. The few scattered aspens at our elevation will be a bit more showy in a week or two. In the meantime, the oaks, big leaf maples, and dogwoods have created an amazing patchwork of color amidst the background of conifers. It's truly breathtaking!

My dad was here a couple of weekends ago and was kind enough to let me photograph him enjoying the foliage. We had a great visit, but he ended up working quite a bit while he was here even though that wasn't our intention! He gave Jason a radial saw that he no longer needed, and Jason immediately started planning the first project he would complete with his new toy. They both became excited about a carpentry adventure, and before I could blink, Dad and Jason had joined forces on a fence project between our house and the neighbor's. The old, decrepit fence was deconstructed, lumber was salvaged, and together they designed and erected a brand new fence. It looks great, we have a larger side yard, and they seemed to really enjoy the project! They were having so much fun, I practically had to force them to stop for meal breaks! It's the first time they've worked together, and their work styles were very complimentary. Great minds think alike, I guess!