Sunday, June 13, 2010

Skeeter and Moon Make a Baby

Okay, I am seriously overdue for a post! Truth be told, I've started several drafts over the past few months, but I always run out of time to finish and/or I just can't find the right words. By the time I've had a chance to resume writing, what I had created originally was old news or I simply wasn't happy with what I had written. So, let me just hit the highlights...The really BIG news, as our family and friends know, is that we've been very busy with the arrival of our first child! Jacoby Parker Hart was born February 10, 2010, and we've been on a whirlwind adventure ever since!

The birth of Jacoby was an intense and amazing experience. It was the most challenging, scary and wonderful day of my life. Jason and my sister, Julie, were an incredible support team!

We're still in awe of our little guy and honestly still in shock that we are now parents even though we've been completely immersed in parenting for the past FOUR months! Every day is a bit of trial and error as we try to figure out just what is the best way to care for Jacoby. Of course, we're also learning that what works one day may not necessarily work the next, but all in all, we're becoming much more confident in our parenting skills. Parenting truly is the most challenging job I've ever had, and as has been said many times before, it is also the most rewarding. (Perfect example of why I've started and trashed so many posts thus far. It's hard not to sound cliche when you are an awestruck, adoring, overwhelmed, sleep deprived new parent!) For the sake of posting SOMETHING, I'm relieving myself of the pressure to write anything clever or fact, I think I let go of that charge well into pregnancy. brain has been in a fog for several months now!

Back to our baby boy...He is indeed the apple of my eye and his father's pride and joy! At four months he is smiling, laughing, cooing, and trying with all his might to form words. He loves action...Translation: he's not one of those babies who will sit quietly and entertain himself. He is also not terribly fond of sleep, but who needs sleep when you've got a happy, healthy, alert baby boy to play with all hours of the day? Actually, his sleeping habits are improving, so there is light at the end of the tunnel...

Although we are still breastfeeding, we introduced rice cereal about a week ago. Jacoby knew immediately to open his mouth when offered a spoon, and he seems to really enjoy having a new item on the menu. Cereal, of course, isn't the only new business in Jacoby's world...seems as though there is a new sound, action or expression nearly every day as well.

Summary of the past four months:

Jacoby's Birthday

One Month Old

Two Months Old

Three Months Old

Four Months Old

We've been on the road a lot during the past few months. We've made a couple of crazy-quick visits to the coast to see our good friends there. (See Angela and Matt's blog for photos) Jacoby has seen his great grandma Helen in Sacramento a couple of times, and we've visited Nana Cathy and Grandpa Kenny in Santa Rosa on several occasions. Jacoby is a pretty good traveler, and he seems content seeing new places and people.

Our other big news is that Jason has accepted a promotion with the Parks, and we're relocating to Mt. Diablo. Jason has already started his new job as Maintenance Chief, and he seems to like the challenges of an administrative position so far. (He's never had a "desk" job before!) The past six weeks have been hectic with Jason traveling back and forth from the East Bay and trying to prepare for the move. Moving day is June 18th, so our new adventure as a family starts soon! Although we love the Sierras, we know it is not the right place for us to live in the long run. (very few career advancement opportunities for either one of us and the snow is just too much for our gardening passion) We will return often for camping and paddling the lakes, though! The East Bay may not be our ideal living environment either, but we're glad to be moving below the snowline and closer to some of our family and friends.

And so a new chapter begins...