Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Communicating in the Modern World

Hello everyone! I've decided to give blogging a try, if for no better reason than to stay in touch with family and friends. Not so long ago, my favorite mode of communication was just a step above smoke signals, so I've come a long way in a few years!

I've been inspired (and maybe slightly cajoled) by Angela and Matt's blog. They're doing a fine job of sharing the story of their fast evolving farm and sustainable lifestyle, and although Jason and I have yet to claim our dream property and start living off the fatta-da-land, we're having a good time in the place we call home at the moment. I thought this would be a fun way to keep everyone up to date on our latest happenings, misadventures, and the simple things that we enjoy. So, here we go...Photos and new posts coming soon!


  1. Hi guys,

    This is a great forum to keep in touch, have great debates, and not be so exposed like on FB! Sorry I deleted the e-mail from Hierbachica--it didn't know who it was!

  2. Yay! I'm looking forward to lots of great pictures, especially of your gorgeous garden, fabulous snow sculptures, and Jason's crazy facial expressions! :)

    - Angela

  3. You go girl! I always love to see your beautiful faces and happy selves. Keep it coming! Laura

  4. Oh, this is cool. Great shots guys :) Yay for a window of no snow and pretty flowers for you! This blog is a great idea ya know!

  5. Skeeter and Moon,
    This is so fun!! I want to learn to blog also!! Great job on the blog and awesome job of learning something new!! Note on critter wars . . . I have found that the battery operated ground stakes work fairly well. We used to have an INSANE problem with gophers and a few years ago I put one in the secret garden and one in the front flower garden. It is RARE that I have to deal with gophers now.
    Keep on Rockin' in the Free World!
    Gnome Foam and Schlotsky

  6. Skeeter and Moon:

    We loved the pix & dialogue. Awesome! Keep 'em coming.

    XXL and Baby Doll

  7. G'day, you have done a nice job on this. I just had some critter killing success myself with a 4 foot lifter across the Noggin. Some might say this is cruel but when the gophers eat your tomato stems and leave the rest to rot, i call it victory. The pulsing spike is laughed at by my gophers.

  8. This is awesome, you are so hip with your "blogging"! This is a great read, especially the bear stories! Your garden is beautiful. Looking forward to more stories and baby updates :) XOXO Sarah
